Get Your 7-Day Low Glycemic Meal Guide for $27 only!

I usually charge $97 for a complete digital Eating Plan like this one. It includes a 7-Day Program, Shopping List, Recipes, and day-by-day Preparation Guide. As you get started on your journey to healthier blood sugar levels, though, you get this one for $27 only (plus tax).

It gets even better! For just $10 extra, you can also get the Family Friendly Eating Plan!


IMPORTANT! Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after you've submitted your payment in Paypal, so that you can access your digital meal guides right away. Thanks!

Low Glycemic Eating Guide Spiral Cover

One Guide for $27 (+tax)


Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after you've submitted your payment in Paypal, so that you can access your digital meal guides right away. Thanks!

Two Meal Guide Covers

Low Glycemic + Family-Friendly

 $37 only! (+tax)

IMPORTANT: Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after you've submitted your payment in Paypal, so that you can access your digital meal guides right away. Thanks!

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