1. You are fully responsible for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and fully in charge of your decisions, actions and results. Allon-Z Coaching, LLC or its Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by them. You are responsible for your achievements and success.
2. Wellness coaching is a Coach-Client relationship designed to facilitate the adoption of a healthier lifestyle and to help Client develop and carry out a plan for achieving behavioral change by focusing mostly, but not only, on nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management. Yet, coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of your life, including but not limited to family, work, finances, relationships, education, and recreation. Deciding how to incorporate coaching into those areas of your life, and implement your choices, is exclusively your responsibility.
3. If in doubt, you will verify with a licensed physician that you are able to undertake a wellness coaching program. You accept sole responsibility for your safety and for any and all injuries that may occur during or as a result of coaching.
4. Coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of physical or mental disorders and coaching is not a substitute for medical treatment or therapy. You will not use coaching in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment, or therapy. If you are currently under the care of a health professional, it is recommended that you inform your health care provider of your engagement in a coaching relationship and discuss with your provider the implications of coaching. You will notify Allon-Z Coaching, LLC of any significant injury that requires medical attention.
5. Coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual, or other qualified professionals. You will seek independent professional guidance as needed. All decisions in these areas are exclusively yours. Your decisions and your actions regarding them are your sole responsibility.
6. My recipes & sample meal program, shopping lists, and preparation guides are suggestions put together for your convenience and tasting pleasure. They are NOT personalized suggestions. Please don't assume that every recipe works for everybody, and make sure you won't be subject to adverse reactions.
7. In consideration of all the acceptance of the above entries, you, for yourself and for your executors, administrators, and assigns, waive and release any and all claims against Allon-Z Coaching, LLC and agree to hold them harmless from any claims or losses, including but not limited to claims for negligence for any injuries or expenses that you may incur during our coaching relationship. Notwithstanding any other language of this agreement, the liability of Allon-Z Coaching, LLC is limited to the fees paid by Client. These exculpatory clauses are intended to apply to any and all activities occurring during the time for which you have contracted with Allon-Z Coaching, LLC. In the event of a dispute, the law that will govern our relationship is the law of Washington State.