Many of my clients come to me after their medical provider has diagnosed them with PreDiabetes or early Type 2 Diabetes, and has recommended that they lose weight, establish healthier eating habits, and be more physically active, in order to avoid the onset and tragic consequences of full-blown Type 2 Diabetes.
But we all know it: it's easier said than done!
How do you eat healthy and move more when you love food and are super busy? How do you lose weight when you have tried every diet, but nothing seems to work long-term?
Discover the success story of 2 of the many people I have had the privilege to work with.
Kip reversed prediabetes
Bill brought his blood sugar from 12.2 to 8.2
Lifestyle changes can be daunting
Chances are you have tried to eat healthy, but cravings, emotional eating, a crazy schedule, or picky eaters at home got in your way. You have tried many times to lose weight but the pounds always creep back up. You most likely signed up at the gym but can't seem to find the time to workout and classes feel like torture.
I know how it feels!
We often have a pretty good idea of what we need to do, but that doesn't always translate into us doing it. Plus, the information out there is so confusing, misleading, and often dead wrong! You wonder where you should start and if it is really worth the efforts, since diabetes runs in your family?
Prediabetes is reversible!
There are 2 ways to look at a prediabetes diagnosis.
- You can see it as the last stage before diabetes, get scared, depressed, feel powerless, and do nothing. This is NOT the way I look at it!
- Or you can see it as a chance to finally make necessary lifestyle changes and enjoy the incredible benefits that come with healthier habits: more energy, less pain, less stress, better sleep... and a much healthier relationship with food, which almost all the time leads to weight loss. Those "by-products" of lifestyle changes are just a few examples. There are many more! The most important in my opinion is a sense of empowerment and the freedom that comes from not feeling like a slave to food anymore.
The thing is, 80% of Type 2 Diabetes could be prevented with lifestyle changes. But that's not all! 80% of cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, and 40% of cancer could also be avoided if we were to eliminate risk factors such as poor eating habits or lack of movement.
So, when you embark on a journey toward healthy blood sugar levels, you don't just aim at improving glucose tolerance and controlling insulin resistance. You are doing much more for your health and will most likely see your blood pressure go down, your cholesterol improve, you back and knee pain disappear... and the list goes on.
Get the support you need to finally succeed!
Where to start? What to do? And how to make your journey enjoyable and sustainable?
Here is how I can help you with affordable private health coaching:
- Using evidence-based strategies and combining them with a French Approach toward foods and lifestyle, I will help you design and implement an effective action plan that takes your individual needs and preferences into consideration, so that you can sustain it forever.
- I will provide actionable tips and information to help you make healthful nutrition choices without counting calories, macros, or giving up the foods you love.
- I will provide you with the encouragements, guidance, and accountability needed day after day in-between medical visits, so that you can overcome all the obstacles along the way.
- We will also focus our attention on physical activity, stress management, sleep, and make sure that you find a balance in your new lifestyle, so that living healthily becomes second nature and enjoyable rather than feel l like a chore.
Are you ready to commit to your health?

I changed my diet and blame it on Stella! I am eating healthier and slowly losing weight, down from 183 to 175 lbs.
My blood sugar went from 12.2 to 8.2. My last 2-month reading was below 150. I haven't had a reading that low since I can remember. My migraines also magically went away!
Bill C.

Stella helped me establish a framework for myself that I could use to make the healthiest decisions regarding food while still allowing me the indulgences that I craved.
It took me a little while to put "everything in moderation" into practice effectively, but with her help it finally sunk in.
Tara C.

I worked with Stella for 3 months. I clearly got way more out of it than I expected! Not only did I shed some weight, but I also learned how to eat healthier and how to drastically reduce cravings so that I could lose even more weight on my own and keep it off. i got a lifetime of knowledge in only a few short months. And I know that knowledge will stay with me forever!
Ray W.